Baton Rouge Draft Report and Appendices


Baton Rouge Draft Report
Narrative, Tables, Charts, and Maps 14 pages - 1,881k

Appendix I and II
Workplace Safety and RCRA Permits 52 pages - 76k

Appendix III
Emergency Response Notification System Reports 115 pages - 159k

Appendix IV
Toxic Release Inventory Chemical Releases 1987-1999 55 pages - 71k

Appendix V
Toxic Releases Inventory Chemical Releases Summed by Chemical and Sorted by Fugitive Air 2 pages - 6k

Appendix VI
New Jersey DOH Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet: Benzene 6 pages - 34k

Appendix VII
New Jersey DOH Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet: Ethylbenzene 6 pages - 34k

Appendix VIII
New Jersey DOH Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet: Napthalene 6 pages - 34k


Report Graphics
Council District Map (67k jpeg)

Neigborhood Map (165k jpeg)

Racial Composition (173k jpeg)

Persons in Proximity to ExxonMobil (151k jpeg)

Age Composition (171k jpeg)


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