Total= [P0010001] One race = [P0010002] white = [P0010003] black1 = [P0010004] indig1 = [P0010005] asian1 = [P0010006] + [P0010007] other1 = [P0010008] hispanic = [P0020002] hspWt = [P0010003] - [P0020005] tworace =[P0010009] Black2 = [P0010011] + [P0010016] + [P0010017] + [P0010018] + [P0010019] + [P0010027] + [P0010028] + [P0010029] + [P0010030] + [P0010037] + [P0010038] + [P0010039] + [P0010040] + [P0010041] + [P0010042] + [P0010048] + [P0010049] + [P0010050] + [P0010051] + [P0010052] + [P0010053] + [P0010058] + [P0010059] + [P0010060] + [P0010061] + [P0010064] + [P0010065] + [P0010066] + [P0010067] + [P0010069] + [P0010071] Indig2 = [P0010012] + [P0010020] + [P0010021] + [P0010022] + [P0010031] + [P0010032] + [P0010033] + [P0010043] + [P0010044] + [P0010045] + [P0010054] + [P0010055] + [P0010056] + [P0010062] + [P0010068] Asian2 = [P0010013] + [P0010014] + [P0010023] + [P0010024] + [P0010025] + [P0010034] + [P0010035] + [P0010036] + [P0010046] + [P0010057] Other2 = [P0010015] totvap = [P0030001] onercevap= [P0030002] whitevap = [P0030003] black1vap= [P0030004] indig1vap= [P0030005] asian1vap= [P0030006] + [P0030007] other1vap= [P0030008] tworcevap= [P0030009] Black2vap= [P0030011] + [P0030016] + [P0030017] + [P0030018] + [P0030019] + [P0030027] + [P0030028] + [P0030029] + [P0030030] + [P0030037] + [P0030038] + [P0030039] + [P0030040] + [P0030041] + [P0030042] + [P0030048] + [P0030049] + [P0030050] + [P0030051] + [P0030052] + [P0030053]+ [P0030058] + [P0030059] + [P0030060] + [P0030061] + [P0030064] + [P0030065] + [P0030066] + [P0030067] + [P0030069] + [P0030071] indig2vap = [P0030012] + [P0030020] + [P0030021] + [P0030022] + [P0030031] + [P0030032] + [P0030033] + [P0030043] + [P0030044] + [P0030045] + [P0030046] + [P0030054] + [P0030055] + [P0030056] + [P0030062] + [P0030068] asian2vap = [P0030013] + [P0030014] + [P0030023] + [P0030024] + [P0030025] + [P0030034] + [P0030035] + [P0030036] + [P0030057] other2vap = [P0030015] hispvap = [P0040002] hspwtvap = [P0030003] - [P0040005] totblk = [black1] + [black2] totblckvap = [black1vap] + [black2vap] totindig = [indig1] + [indig2] totindigvap = [indig1vap] + [indig2vap] totasian = [asian1] + [asian2] toasianvap = [asian1vap] + [asian2vap] totother = [other1] + [other2] toothervap = [other1vap] + [other2vap] minority = [totpop] - [white] + [hispwt] pcminority = [minority] / [totpop] * 100 mnrtyvap = [totvap] - [whitevap] + [hispwtvap] pcmnrtyvap = [mnrtyvap] / [totvap] * 100 pcwhite = [white] / [totpop] * 100 pcwhitevap = [whitevap] / [totvap] * 100 pcblack = [totblack] / [totpop] * 100 pcblackvap = [totblckvap] / [totvap] * 100 pcindig = [toindig] / [totpop] * 100 pcindigvap = [toindigvap] / [totvap] * 100 pcasian = [totasian] / [totpop] * 100 pcasianvap = [toasianvap] / [totvap] * 100 pcother = [totother] / [totpop] * 100 pcothervap = [toothervap] / [totvap] * 100 Alternative formulae for constructing variables eliminates completely black2, indig2, asian2, other2 (other1 = [P0010008]) + (tworace =[P0010009]) = totother This is true for vap as well These files are sctest scgeo.dbf is an important geographic identifier file which allows one to join the population files to the esri boundary files. To join the geo file to the population files use the relevant geographic identifier field to tie it to the boundary file, convert to a new boundary shape file, delete all unnecessary fields from the new shapefile table but make sure to leave the field logrecno because that's the one used to join the population data. I do this in two additional steps, creating a new shape file at each step. Relevant codes below are found in scgeol.dbf SUMLEV 050 = County SUMLEV 500 = Congressional Districts SUMLEV 750 = Blocks SUMLEV 700 = VOTING PRECINCTS command line example for winzip: wzunzip -yp e:\esridata\ebic\southcarolina\zip\lkH*.zip e:\esridata\ebic\southcarolina\ key to making this work, modify autoexec.bat: set path = c:\program files\winzip\; c:\nc